Many thanks to Ann for giving me this award - it's much appreciated!
Rules of the award are that I must pass it on to 5 people and list 5 things I am addicted to.
I am passing this award on to: Valerie for her inspirational creations; Diane who makes fab cards often using what other people have thrown away; Stickhead for making me laugh and for telling it like it is; Tracy for all her wonderful animals and Maria for supporting Portsmouth - she actually deserves a medal not just an award!
Five things I am addicted to?
Man Utd
Strong black coffee
Reading (esp. murder mysteries)
Red wine
None of these will surprise people who know me well!
Hi Susie, good morning and thank you, what a lovely surprise to begin my week! I feel very honoured, and it was soooooooooooooo kind of you to think of me! Am I allowed to put the award on my blog now? Hope your swollen joints are better, I am going to have a nice shower now so that I wake up a bit more. See ya later, and thanks again!
Yes Val! You can put the award on your blog!
Sue xx
Thanks ever so much Sue !! Now all I have to do is work out how I get it onto my blog !! Hope you have started a better week this week !!
hugs Diane xx
same here diane, how do we put it on our blogs, lol...
thanks susie, I think!!...
maria x
I copied the photo into my picture file then uploaded it via add a gadget/picture in layout.
Sue xx
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